Saturday, November 20, 2010

Meditation on Twin Hearts.

Here is only a copy of the step vise procedure of the Meditation on Twin Hearts. Please read it carefully before you actually start doing the meditation. 

Steps in Meditation on Twin Hearts
1) Cleansing The Etheric Body Through Physical Exercise

Do physical exercise for about five minutes. 
Doing physical exercise has a cleansing effect on the etheric body. 
Light grayish matter or used-up prana is expelled from the etheric body 
when exercising. 
Physical exercises have to be done to minimize possible pranic congestion 
since this meditation generates a lot of subtle energies in the etheric body.

2) Invocation For Divine Blessing

Invoke the Divine Blessings. Hindus pray for 
Shiva or Krishna or to the Guru, 
Christians to Jesus or Christ or Mary, Muslims to Allah, and
 Buddhists to Buddha. 
If you are eclectic, you may say, "To the Universal Supreme God." 
You can use the following invocation: 
"To the Supreme God, I humbly invoke for divine guidance, 
divine love and illumination, divine oneness, divine bliss, divine 
help, and divine protection. With thanks and in full faith." 

3) Connecting The Tongue To The Palate

Connecting the tongue to the palate completes the connection 
between the front and back energy channels of the aura, thus 
increasing the energy level and facilitating the circulation of 
energy during the meditation.

4) Activating The Heart Chakra And Blessing The Entire
 Earth With Loving Kindness

Press your front heart chakra with your finger for a few seconds. 
This is to make concentration on the front heart chakra easier. 
Visualize a small earth, the size of a small ball, directly in front of you.
 Concentrate on the front heart chakra and bless the earth with 
loving kindness at the same time visualizing pink light flowing from 
your heart chakra enveloping the entire earth. You may use the prayer of 
St. Francis of Assisi. Be aware of your heart and hands as you say silently
 say the following.
To the Supreme God,
Make me an instrument of your peace.
Feel the inner peace within you. Allow yourself to be a channel of divine peace.
 Feel the peace within you. Let it flow to your arms, to your hands.
 Bless the earth with peace. Gently and lovingly share this peace with the 
small earth in front of you.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Feel the divine love within you. Allow yourself to be a channel of divine love. 
Feel this love within you. Feel this love flowing from your heart,
 to your arms, flowing to the small earth in front of you. 
Bless the earth with peace and with love.

Where there is injury, pardon.
Feel the spirit of reconciliation. Allow yourself to be a channel of divine
 forgiveness, divine reconciliation. Bless the earth with the spirit of
 forgiveness, reconciliation, understanding, harmony and peace.

Where there is despair, hope; doubt faith.
Feel the divine hope and faith. Allow yourself to be a channel of divine
 hope and divine faith. Bless the earth with hope and faith. 
Bless people who are having a difficult time with hope and faith. 
Silently tell them, "You can make it." Bless them with 
divine hope and divine faith and divine strength.

Where there is darkness, light; sadness, joy.
Allow yourself to be a channel of divine light and joy. 
Bless the entire earth with divine light and joy. 
Bless people who are sad, depressed and in pain with divine light and joy. 
Fill them with light and joy.

5) Activating The Crown Chakra And Blessing 
The Earth With Loving-Kindness

Press the crown chakra with your finger for several 
seconds to facilitate concentration on the crown chakra and
 bless the entire earth with loving-kindness while visualizing 
divine white light flowing from your crown and enveloping the
 earth in front of you. When the crown chakra is fully opened, 
some of you will feel something blooming on top of the head and
 some will also feel something pressing on the crown. The following
 blessing may be used:

From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness.

Feel the divine love and kindness. Allow yourself to be a channel
 of divine love and kindness and share these with the whole earth.

Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy and happiness.
Feel the joy and happiness and share these with the 
entire earth. Visualize people smiling, their hearts filled 
with joy and happiness.

From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth be blessed with
understanding, harmony, and divine peace.

Allow yourself to be a channel of understanding, harmony and peace. 
Visualize people or nations that are on the verge of fighting or are 
fighting reconciling and living in harmony with each other. 
Visualize people putting down their arms, shaking hands and
 embracing each other.

Let the entire earth be blessed with
goodwill and the will to do good.

Imagine people not filled with good intentions, not only 
talking about doing something good, but also actually 
carrying out these good intentions. This is the 
meaning of the "will to do good."

6) Meditate And Bless The Earth With 
Loving-Kindness Simultaneously 
Through The Heart And Crown Chakras

After the crown has been activated, concentrate simultaneously 
on the crown chakra and the heart chakra, and bless 
the entire earth with loving-kindness for a few minutes. 
This will align both chakras, thereby making the blessing more potent.
 Imagine the small earth in front of you. 
Visualize a golden light from your hands going down to the earth,
 filling the whole earth with light and love. 
You may use the following blessing:

From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, every being
be blessed with divine love and kindness

Feel the divine love and kindness and share 
these with the whole earth, every person and every being.

Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed
With divine sweetness, divine joy, with warmness,
Caringness and tenderness.
Feel the sweet, loving feeling and share it with the whole earth.

From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed
With inner healing, inner beauty,
divine bliss and, divine oneness.

Feel the divine bliss and divine oneness, and share 
these with every person and every being.

7) Achieve Illumination-Meditation
 On The Light, On The Mantra OM And 
The Interval Between The Two OMs

Gently imagine a brilliant white light or golden light on the crown.
 Look at it gently and lovingly. Feel the quality
 of the energy emitted by the light. Feel the inner peace,
 stillness and bliss emanating from the light. Be aware of the light, 
the inner stillness and the bliss. Gently and silently 
chant the mantra OM or Amen.

Continue meditating for about 10 minutes. Relax and let go.

8) Releasing Excess Energy By Blessing And By Rooting

After the meditation, raise again both hands with
 palms facing outward. Imagine the earth. 
Release the excess energy by blessing earth with light, 
loving-kindness, peace and prosperity for several minutes
 until your body has normalized.

After releasing the excess energy, you may bless specific 
persons or your family and friends.

Next, gently be aware of the base of the spine. Project your
 consciousness down into the earth and imagine light descending 
into the earth three meters or 10 feet deep.

9) Giving Thanks
After the end of the meditation, always give thanks to the
 Divine Providence and to your spiritual guides for the divine blessing.

10) Further Releasing Of Excess Energy Through
 More Physical Exercises And Massaging

Strengthen the visible physical through massage of different parts 
of the body and more physical exercises after the end of the 
meditation for about five minutes. The purpose is to further
 cleanse and strengthen the visible body since more used-up 
prana is expelled out of the body. This facilitates the
 assimilation of the pranic and spiritual energies, thereby 
enhancing the beauty and health of the practitioner. 
Massaging and exercising after this meditation also reduces 
the possibility of pranic congestion 
or energy getting in certain parts of the body that may lead to illness.
 You can also gradually cure yourself of some ailments by 
doing exercises after doing the Meditation on the Twin Hearts.
It is very important to exercise after the meditation; otherwise,
 the visible body will inevitably be weakened. 
Although the etheric body will become very bright and strong, 
the visible physical body will become 
weak because it will not be able to withstand the leftover 
energy generated by the meditation in the long run.

To start the meditation Please Click here.

May the God Bless you. 

To know more about
 Grand Master Choa Kok Sui Pranic Healing, Please Click Here.

On the next post, I would like to 
discuss my understanding of the 
Meditation on Twin Hearts and its effectiveness.

Thank you.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Experiences

It was Before I took classes on Pranichealing.

 I heard a lot from my friend Abhijit, about Pranichealing. But then, I could not believe that such miracles were possible. I thought Pranichealing was a miracle or Magic only because I did not know the science behind it.
 I wanted to know more about the subject before
 I could go ahead with it. I borrowed one of Grand Master's book called "The Origin Of Modern Pranichealing and Arhatic Yoga", from Abhijit. I saw that the book was large to be covered in one day. So, 
I took it home.

 That  day, my brother along with my mother and sister were watching some movie on my Desktop and surprisingly the noise coming from them or the movie did not bother me any bit. I found the book to be interesting. It was about how and what Grand Master had been through in bringing the subject of Pranichealing to the general public in a way that they(we) could understand it. 

Well, I was reading the book, at one point, while I was reading, I found myself in a meadow with 3-4 trees planted equidistantly from eachother, perhaps like a Triangle(I am not sure of their placement). I saw at a distance in the meadow hazy figures of people coming towards me out of which I could identify one to be GMCKS(Only his face was clear with the rest of the body being so bright even very hard to comprehend what color it was). He alone came to me while the others stopped walking when they reached one of the trees. I felt that he pulled my hand and even though he were not speaking to me, I could understand that he was asking me lift myself in to the air. I tried to express that its not possible for me and He pulled me up at once. Soon, I found myself floating with his support. He took me all around the periphery of that meadow and after a while, he suddenly left my hand. By the time I could land on one of the meadows, neither Him nor the Followers he brought were there and I was back to my physical consciousness with a jerk. When i came back to my consciousness, I was sure that I was not day dreaming because, through out the experience, I could feel the breeze of wind on my face and I had the experience of being with clouds and I was fully aware of what was happening there(may be the other dimension). It was only later on that I understood what this experience would mean and about Astral travel.

I found that my mother, brother and sister were deeply involved in the movie and I felt that Time had either expanded itself or they really did not notice what was happening to me, may be because they were deeply involved in the movie.

After this experience, I wanted to know more about Pranichealing. I found that it was used in the field of Microbiology, and other related fields. I found that people actually experience the relief and its not just their temporary state of self deception or illusion. I found that Doctors around the world use Pranichealing in serious cases of Cancer and Tumors, etc,.

Later I found that The Meditation on Twin Hearts is a way to manage Stress and Tension. and I wanted to give it a try.

When I first started practicing The Meditation on Twin Hearts(THM), 
I found it to be very helpful in minimizing or completely 
relieving me from Stress. 
Back in those days when I initially started practicing 

THM, I did not know to what extent I was stressed out 
and for no seeming reason. But slowly my understanding on
 the subject of Meditation has improved with time and often
 I recommend my friends and relatives to practice this meditation on Twin Hearts. I had many experiences (Inner Experiences) while practicing THM. When I was new to Pranic Healing, 
I was not aware that there is an Energy Body surrounding our physical body and this Energy Body and the Physical body are inter-related. In those days I strictly did not believe that there is a God and there is Involution and Evolution of Life. I only believed that everything is Scientific and Man is the only intelligent being.
 I only knew that Life in whatever form it is today is solely because of the scientific process of evolution. But after much practice in the field of Pranichealing and Arthatic Yoga, I today understand that God was that perfect scientist who created this perfection.

Coming back to my inner experiences during the practice of Meditations on Twin Hearts, When I sarted practicing THM,  I seldom had any experience which I could relate to the Meditation. But as time went by, my  experiences started to become more clear and some of the insights I had during my Meditations have also manifested physically. I got an explanation to "Why I did not have clearer inner experiences earlier during my practice?". This question along with many others were answered to me by some very great people with out me asking them. 

In the Meditation, once I saw a bright light all around me, and soon, I felt being pulled out of my own being very forcefully. This was one experience when I first had was very frightening but later, I got used to it. 
On some other day, during my practice, I saw that I was floating outside myself, around myself. I could see hazy figures of people around me but I was very much aware that My Eyes were shut. I wanted to open my Eyes at once but I suddenly found myself away from all which is physical and very far on an unknown place. Though it was very alien and frightening to me, my Inner self slowly calmed me down and I suddenly had a mixed feeling of the winter cold and the warmth of being very near to the Sun on a Hilltop at the very same time.

In July, 2009, When I was at the GMCKS Arhatic Aashram, at Mulshi, Pune, I had the most memorable experience of my life. Me along with Dheeraj Bhai and six others were deep in Meditation in the pyramid Meditation hall. During the Let Go state, I found myself expanding in all the directions at the same time. Aashram is a place surrounded by approximately 20 waterfalls around itself. During the meditation, I found myself near to one of those waterfalls. I felt the cold water running down my cheeks, I could see birds of different kinds, I could see the whole periphery of the Aashram all with my Eyes shut and being at the same place. 

On the next day to this, during the meditation again, I saw, inside me, near the chest area were two beings struggling to separate to go away and out of the physical being. One wanting to go to the left and the other to the right. I could see my Heart in its place while these two beings want to go away from each other. I was sure that my eyes were closed because at certain intervals, I could role them to find my dark eyelids.  I felt that I must talk sense to them. And soon, with out my intervention, they went silent. I had this experience again but only once after the first one.

Keep reading for more such experiences and also please share your own.

Thank you.

To know what is Meditation on Twin Hearts please watch:


To know about Pranic Healing, Please watch


Super Brain Yoga

Master Choa Kok Sui Super Brain Yoga Procedure.

1. Face East. For Old people, face North.

2. Connect your tongue to the palate.

3. Preferably invoke for Divine Blessings(optional)

4. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

5. Squeeze the right ear lobe with your left thumb and left index finger.

6. Squeeze the left ear lobe with your right thumb and right index finger.

7.The left arm must be inside and the right arm outside. This is the correct arm position.

8. When squatting down, inhale simultaneously.

9. When standing up, exhale simultaneously.

10. Repeat steps 8 and 9, 14 times per session.

11. Release your fingers from your ear lobes.

12. Say a short prayer of thanksgiving. (optional)

This video has the benefits of Super Brain yoga.

For more about Pranic healing click the link.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I can heal

I am presently a student. joyful and happy making people smile and sometimes even laugh till their stomachs may ache. when i say 'sometimes' that will be about 5-6 hours of any given day at my college, home or even on a very tiring trekking.

If you want to know how I am so very happy with my life, I must talk about the last year the 2008. This year is when I wanted to see if God is for real. I took the opportunity to see and seek the Truth that was held a secret for centuries. The secret which is the Secret of all Secrets of life. "Pranam" as it is called in India. The Secret was revealed to me by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. The Secret he called "The ancient art and science of Pranic Healing"

The opportunity I had to learn Pranic healing on 31st August 2008 had changed my perspective towards life but only a little because I had a few common apprehensions of how a person can heal the pain of another person without even the simplest physical touch or the cheapest medicine. Then I kept practicing this Art and Science. I went through the various scientific profs supporting the theory but that helped me but very little.

After this, a month later in September, I learnt advanced Pranic healing course. On the last dayof my course, I went to the class in a rush and my mother as I could see did not even get up from bed in her room. She was completely sick with cold and severe body pains. She had complaints like of appetite, and she completely out of mood.

Well, I came back home late at night almost at 11:00 p.m Mom was still on the bed and I could hardly hear her voice when she tried to talk to me. This time i wanted to try my newly learnt Pranic healing technique on my mother. So, I managed to make her sit on the bed I started the session. It ended in a few moments. I simply moved my hands. Thats it. The Science, The Art worked. Mom started to talk. Her voice was clearer than it was earlier. That moment was the most amazing of all. The triumph I may not express in words of any human language.

From that day on, I had involved myself in many activities relating to Pranic healing and Arhatic Yoga. Now I know how health can come, I know how wealth can come, I know how happiness can be brought, how to get a person get rid of any addiction and many more.

I wanted to know about God. But as our Master said, "The Mosquito is trying to understand the Super Computer", which was true. I now know that I must try and understand My Self better before I could even attempt to understand something as Big as God. I do not know for sure what is God. But I am sure that I am trying to know what I am. I observe myself, I observe my thoughts, my feelings. I observe the I AM. 

Those who wants to experience the Truth as It is, please know more about Pranic Healing. Thank you.
9030061643 is my Phone number. is my email.